My Wanderer’s Heart

My Wanderer’s Heart

Posted By on Jun 8, 2024

    Photography by Klaus Echle     My Wanderer’s Heart “I give my wanderer’s heart to the EarthBlanket me with woodland mossLet my feet rejoice in ancient songs singing underfootHeld in this endless stream of forest breathI am but one more receptor of the living EarthStanding with the living prayers of Pine and Cedar and green wild things,Breathing in I inhabit the forestBreathing out I am song...

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Posted By on Jan 18, 2019

Blue Abstract Underwater by Amy Levine Immersion   Slip into the warm inner waters of the Sacred The air around you disrobes Revealing its heady fullness Thought gives way to deeper knowing Swim down to the deeper waters of your sanctuary Feel the ebb and flow of the Great Sea from which we all come Here In this underwater reverie These inner oceans of being Do you feel the current of the Sacred Feminine Pulsing in the waters of...

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Opening to Wonder

Opening to Wonder

Posted By on Dec 23, 2018

Owl Kingdom by Amanda Clark When we gaze upon the deep night sky, the Great Mystery which lives in the pulse of all life seems to emerge from the unseen more clearly, we feel and sense the presence of the Divine We open to wonder and infinity sings of possibilities and myriad notes tumbling together in an orchestra of unimaginable beauty. And yet, if we drop down into our heart space and sit under the eternal sky within That same...

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Solstice Alchemy

Solstice Alchemy

Posted By on Dec 19, 2018

The Spirit of Love by Freydoon Rassouli For all of those who are engaged with the deep spiritual alchemy of bringing light to their shadows this winter solstice season and beyond, knowing it is the work we were born to do…. As you sit at the winter fires of your inner hearth know that you are not alone in this work, and know too, from one who walks the path, that those moments when everything seems too much that this too shall...

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Prayer for Water Teachings

Prayer for Water Teachings

Posted By on Aug 10, 2018

Prayer for Water Teachings   Spirit of Water Holding all, sustaining all Teach us the grace of inclusion May our Sacred Wells flow with compassion and love for all the many manifest faces of Divine Inspiration Awash in the streams of ancient wisdom held within your lifeblood May the blessings of your tidal rhythms awaken and call out within us the life giving waters of the Divine Feminine Teach us your spiral dance of joyful...

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Moving through Anger

Moving through Anger

Posted By on Jan 13, 2016

Wolf Vision by Aaron Paquette   “Anger is just sad’s bodyguard” Liza Palmer This quote passed my way recently and for me it resonates with profound simple truth. Getting in touch with emotions behind anger can be a helpful practice when you’re going through healing crisis and you find old repressed anger is shifting it’s way up and out with nowhere to go but through you. A painful journey but...

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Letting Go

Letting Go

Posted By on Sep 29, 2014

Sculpture by Debra Bernier   As Mother Earth’s energies move, so too do our own. Shifting into this season of fall rivers of unexamined grief can cry for our attention as our Spirit longs to let go and release all that which keeps us from being in life with a fuller, deeper presence. When we allow ourselves to touch the layers of grief within we give our Spirit the freedom to flow with the rhythms of life. A Meditation on...

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The Heart of Hawthorn

The Heart of Hawthorn

Posted By on Jun 1, 2014

Hawthorn Being by Faith Nolton   There is a favourite bench where I like to sit at Lemoines’ Point just beside the open air pavilion, a bench placed fourteen years ago in memory of a family’s lost son and brother. Just behind this bench is a beautiful Hawthorn tree whom I visit with often, she’s just awakening and no sign of green life yet but I’m hoping she knew I was there, that she could feel the...

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Willow and Wood Energy

Willow and Wood Energy

Posted By on May 18, 2014

Willow Art by Kristen Fagan   In the Chinese Five Elements framework spring is the season of Wood Energy which is connected to new growth and forward movement in life, movement which is in line with our Soul’s vision and purpose. When our Wood energy is blocked we can feel stagnant and stuck and often it is connected to repressed anger which is the emotion that is associated with the Wood cycle. When we make efforts to deal...

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Purple Flowering Raspberry

Purple Flowering Raspberry

Posted By on Apr 10, 2014

Photography by Danielle Kreps   Embodying the Creative Feminine Principle   Purple Flowering Raspberry is a beautiful ally in my Plant Spirit Healing Practice and she is wonderful for connecting with one’s feminine energies and healing the sacral chakra. Much like Sacred Basil her vibrational medicine helps to bring the spiritual and sensual into alignment clearing a channel between the heart and the hara. Daydreaming...

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