The Spirit of Love by Freydoon Rassouli
For all of those who are engaged with the deep spiritual alchemy of bringing light to their shadows this winter solstice season and beyond, knowing it is the work we were born to do….
As you sit at the winter fires of your inner hearth know that you are not alone in this work, and know too, from one who walks the path, that those moments when everything seems too much that this too shall indeed pass. Shadow work can indeed feel overwhelming as we reclaim that which was lost, as we feel into those emotions that were just too much for younger versions of ourselves, emotions that could not be navigated by little sensitive hearts.
Photography by Danielle Kreps
Don’t forget to ask for the Creator’s help, ask to be carried, and know that you are not alone, that you are simply loved, and that you have the courage and strength to undertake this alchemy of sorrow.
May the Creator’s deep peace and unconditional love hold you in loving support.
With love from one who walks the path,
Danielle Kreps from Wysdom Tree