The Heart of Hawthorn

Posted By on Jun 1, 2014 | 0 comments


Hawthorn Being by Faith Nolton


There is a favourite bench where I like to sit at Lemoines’ Point just beside the open air pavilion, a bench placed fourteen years ago in memory of a family’s lost son and brother. Just behind this bench is a beautiful Hawthorn tree whom I visit with often, she’s just awakening and no sign of green life yet but I’m hoping she knew I was there, that she could feel the familiar signature of my energy. I have sat on this bench many times, and gently wept, not so much weeping for what has been lost but rather for what has been found. That renewed connection to the intimate spaces of my heart, gratitude for the gifts of Plants and simply life itself taking me downstream with the Creator’s river of passion and presence.

I was first introduced to Hawthorn in my teacher Pam Montgomery’s book Plant Spirit Healing:

“Hawthorn’s greatest and most renowned gift is its healing relationship to the heart….As a flower essence Hawthorn relieves a heart saddened by separation or love loss. It also opens the heart, helping one to give and receive love. The spirit of Hawthorn can bring balance to the heart organ, the official of the fire element within the Five Element modality and can also clear the heart chakra. But the most important use of Hawthorn in Plant Spirit Healing is the ability to put the heart back in it’s rightful place as the pilot, allowing the mind to serve as the co-pilot.”

I feel most aligned with my spiritual heart in nature, and yesterday I asked for Hawthorn’s help in once again deepening that connection that has lost it’s constancy over long winter months of hibernation. I thought of the family who had lost their beloved and wondered if they knew of Hawthorn’s gifts, and how fitting it was that this bench was placed under her boughs.

So much looking forward to making her Flower Essence this spring and sharing her gifts with others.


hawthorn-treeHawthorn Image from



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