Purple Flowering Raspberry

Posted By on Apr 10, 2014 | 0 comments

119Photography by Danielle Kreps


Embodying the Creative Feminine Principle


Purple Flowering Raspberry is a beautiful ally in my Plant Spirit Healing Practice and she is wonderful for connecting with one’s feminine energies and healing the sacral chakra. Much like Sacred Basil her vibrational medicine helps to bring the spiritual and sensual into alignment clearing a channel between the heart and the hara. Daydreaming with this flower was a deeply beautiful experience, as to sit in communion with her is like sitting in meditation under a wonderous cathedral night sky enveloped in the mystery of the Divine Feminine. When I sit with the energies and being of a plant I will often translate this experience into poetry and writing to express the plant’s healing gifts.


Photo by Danielle Kreps


Here is what Purple Flowering Raspberry had to say,


My beauty is a reminder to taste the sweetness of life
I am a bridge to connect the heart of love with
All that is playful, sensual, and creative
You hold within you the beauty of light
Waiting to be made manifest
Let this light flow through you into life
Touching the world and all those who
Walk with you


In Eastern Ontario this purple beauty is often seen along the edges of wooded paths <3


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